Sunday, January 25, 2009

well lama ady me x blogging.. boring bah. like teda2 jugak if me bloggin..
neway this year chinese new year kinda bored! freakin bord and da angpau only a little.. buruk wor! and my schoo; so shit!! they give us yonsss of homework!! like cuti satu bulan ja!! padahal only 4 days!!!urg! suda me stress bout da fuckin homework! stress lagi wif my mum!1
she keep on lecturing me.. macam ja me dis teda kesedaran punya budak!
dear mum ur daughter dis sedar ady dis year!!! pandai blajar ady me.. wish she read my blog. like
thts all lar.teda mood!

cute kan my dog!!
new wan!! hehe!!
her name is britney!!
yay!!! i love her so much..
and i have a cat too. name wawa..
u knoe nowadays wawa suka merajuk dis.. bakin neway she still my loved one!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

now im madly in love if my honey bunny. yesterday we dating at mCd. then jalan2 around his perumahan. pity my bro... but i like wat happen during we pusing2 that. heart his warmness!! UsUaLLy Me KInDa SuSa MaW tEtIdO dIs. THEn LIKe wHeN mE HUg HiM kAn.. BoLe2 mE tEtIdO. bOnGokkAn..
NEWAy I lovE mY bRo! SaNggUp bERkoRbAn foR Me.aNd I loVe mY hONeY bUnny Too.
ToDay hE GaNo FollOw hAnTAr Me To My sChOol. IsNt tHaT gREAt!!!!! I cAn SpEnDS tImE wIf HIm AgAin!!