Tuesday, December 30, 2008

its been awhile i din bloggin.
well lately i'm kinda busy.
nEwAy! HaPPy nEW YeAr YaLL!!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

hAll O! i'm NoT oNLInE SiNcE ChIsTmAS EvE. fuCKIn BuSy AnD All ThAt.

OKaY! My ChRiShMas eVe KINdA ChaNge a BiT tHiS yEAr! onlY cHaNgE teMpAt mAkAn lAe. USUaLLy We EaT aT poPo HoUsE THeN LikE we All PeGI klUar mAkAn Di mAkANaN SEdaP.. MaYbE eVeRyonE TaMBAH TUa theN Like malas masak and all that.
okAy movE oN, TheN AfTer mAkAn bESAr wE aLL gO popO HoUse baCk AnD waIt for my aunts and uncles arrive.
w EHaViN a PaRTy HerE!! we pasang the song fucking loud till da neighborhood cOMpLain=p and then open present and money! yay!*i shall not say wat i get* then people start main judi=0 boring.. then like me mengantuk ady. since already 3.30a.m WTF! so i sleep. i dunno da people who stay up tido when.
now is christmas we talkin here.
i woke up late! =p i think around12 maybe. we all tido at popo house! erm.. nothing happen much. we go home take bath. then go to popo house back. then me wif my aunt gilin and my other gurls cousins went to 1b.. seh.. evertone got money ady! sowt1 then like we all go supper at got this place name we all called roti sejuk!lol. actually da kedai got propere name. gila bha us. huhu. even our nenek we called nenek ikan(my dad's mum)nenek cina(mum's mum) ngahahaha! sowt rite!
next is today! my big family this pege pulau manukan! yay! hitam ady me this! shit! fuck wif that dark skin.. atleast i enjoyed myself and da whole family! i play this flying fish thing!! fuckin extreme and best!!!!!!!!!! u all have too play wor! kinda like banana boat but this one is much more better!!! yee! ha! then like kk hujan! shit! when we all on d way balik we all basah kuyup kena temppias hujan dis. then me and my siblings end up sittin at outside da car cause we all fuckin wet! damn! since my car is frontier kan. so like meand my bros look like pilak!! sob3='(. te end. now me all berehat and chill. seh. toodles!moi!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

lAmA aDy Me X bLOgInG thIs.. KInDa BuSy BhA LaTElY..
tOniTe iS ChRisMaS EvE!! yAy!! cAnT waIt TO GEt mY pResEnT!! pArIs hiLtON pERfuMe 'tHe hEiResS' iTs sMeLL LIkE bUbbLegUm! yUm-MeE!!
LasT NItE we gO bEgILa! mE AnD My BrO, FREn AnD cOuZS! eMMm theN likE tiMe we mINuM2 at dIs sUrIA pLaCE. AzIe's FreN dUDuK NEaR OOuR MeJa BHa! da guy FuCkin CUte!! Shit dIs. sYg THaT guY pLaYbOi AnD hiS gF pUN rIte NoW moDEl! sO TgOK DARi jAuh Ja LaR.. waKaKaKa! bUT i hAve him nUM! mY bRo BaGi NgAhahaha! BUt x CRg LaR Wif My Boo. I LOvE him.MOi!
okIaY,. eNd ThiS stOrY bOuT diS Cute GuY. now gO on TO Me aND mY FREn AnD mY jIrAn.. OUr cLassMaTE Is mY eXsChOol mAteS BHa1 thEn LIKe dARi SkUL ReNdAh lAgi mE aNTI hEr bhA. sKaLI sHe x pAnDAi BeRuBah-UBaH dIs. Still WiF hER gaya SiaL aND SOMbOnG! IsH.. aH-NoYinG!
tHe eNd! moVe ON tO mY fAMIlY pRobKeM.. My MUm likE x pAm\NdaI bErenTi lEcTuRE Me thIS!WTF! thEn likE sHe kEEp RePeATing TAlk bOuT dA SAmE THiNg EVERYDAY!!! AiSh.. BoRing bhA. MaYbE Me hAfAl AdY Da DiaLOg!
eNd FoR ToDAy!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

today my kerja is watch japanese movie. my boo yg suru.ahahaha. he wan me to tgok if da story best or not. da title is 'koizoro'. well overall me tgok till part 4 best lar jugak. but kinda bored! but da hero SO hAnDsOmE!!!
i,m fUCkIn TIrEd aNd MeNgAnTuk! But I fORcE MYsElF WAn To BlOggiN FiRsT tHeN bArU sLeEp.hUhu.
WELL ToDaY i REbOnD My HaIR! yAy! I'M So HaPIe bUT DA ThinG fUcKin ExPeNsIVe!! Rm 2Oo=O.
so,wHaT aGaiN aRh. OwH yAe Me HaNg OuT wIf mY cOuSiNs aNd BrO.. gIlA2 dIs uS JuZ NoW. Ada LagI We All plaY MaGiC! bUdU2!

Friday, December 19, 2008

juS nOw I gO to mY aUnT aMoI hOuse dIs.. CaUsE gOt ThEse CaRoLInG StUfF diS. THeN liKe It TuRn OuT BaD cUaSe tHeY jAnJi jAm 10 bUt thEy DaTaNg LaMbAt LikE 45 MInUtEs LaTe! =0fIrSt TiMe dIs Me MeNgAnTuK wheN tGgU cArOlIng.XD HUhu. gOt DiS Guy yg tRiP HaNdSoMe!WTF! sHiT dIs hIs faCe dOgOk GiLa anD ShE GoT EmO haIr! Yg He pRouD OF! PiSS OfF dIs Me tGoK hIm! mAcaM MaW buAnG kAsUt BHa.. aDA lAgI dIS gaL fUcKIn EnORmOuS! Then likE hEr FaCe OvErMaKe Up! HeR eYE kAn ShE LeTAk EyE SHaDoW BluE CoLOR thEn likE HeR fAcE mACaM kEnA TAmPar seTaN! hAhA. aNd hEr eYe lIKe kEnA tMbUk! pItY HeR kEnA hinA! bUt SaPa SuRu.. Her FaULt! lol. Hmm waT aGaIn ArH.. ThiNk FiNIsH aDy.. So THaTs aLL fOr ToNiTe! nite2!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

uish today me marathon kasie habis my novel this.. i'm so in love wif da 'remember me' novel!*sobs* huhu. now me loner.. i being a lazy bum. juz sitting around, eat choclates as much as i can<i got byk stocks cause my aunt from labuan bought for usXD>
me dasar teda kerja dis.. i need friends.. my only companion is wawa cam palui dis me talk wif cat. and then like last nite me got big fight wif my boo. so sad. me bha that yang mula. i asked him wat kinda gal he like then he bgtaw lar. then like yae know how his taste' usually i prefer someone that is.. if itsphysically cute, adorable n juz normal<> then like he wan 95% unbitchy.wtf=0 me kinda like bitch. sometimes i guess.huhu.XD
then like me balas lar 'i sound like its not on me. so i guess i'm not da gal u mention. now i really feel fuckindown. ithink we should breal dis. k lar i guess its over now' budu kan.. cari masalah!lol
apa lagi.. thats all for now.. if i got idea me write again lae. toodles!

diS PiC tAkEn WhEn mE aNd mY BesTiEs WAiTiN fOr dA BllOdY CiNeMa OpEn DA dOor So we caN gO In..huhu.. illy's bOiFrEn YG bLaNJa Us.. thEn LikE WhO EvEr PerNa BeLI gRoWnAll PoPcOrN, yAE DA tAsTE RiTe.. iaN LIKe bAliK2 TaKe eVeRyOnE PoPcOrN Yg GoT cAreMaL oNlY.. tHeN lIKe sHe rEplAce dA POpCoRn Yg TedA cAremAl.. So NaKAl OwH hER.XD

PREsenTiNg My dRoP goRGOuS CaT!! mY LOvE OnE!!

oF alL THe cRaP,crAp, cRaPPy dAys i'vE eVeR had in da whole of my crap life...
on a scale of one to ten we're talkin.. a minus nine! and its not like i even have very high standards.=O
my day juz like HELL bangun2 i juz realised that i have to babysiTTing a bunch of monkeys!! yae know like i have to kasie masak they all breakfast, lunch, dinner aaaand supper!!WTF!
thanks gawd one of da monkey baik hati to help me out. but he do da easiest kerja. like tlg ANgkat da piring2 after they eat..
enough bout that bloody monkeys.
now i'm readin dis novel'remember me' i totally HEART dis novel!!
freakin ah-mazing! i like da jalan crita dis.. no one can can expect wat happen nex.. then like u gonna tekejut dis and x puas hati wif wat happen to da story..currently me blum finish baca.. but almost finish!
one of my bff got dis twilight novel/! all of them!! and she readin them like now=0 im very jelez dis.. i wan to read too...sob3="(
oF alL THe cRaP,crAp, cRaPPy dAys i'vE eVeR had

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

tHiS iS LIsT oF My loVe One!mOi..

  • tHIS iS My fUnNIEsT FaMiLY


HoW i waN tO sTaRt..
I'M nEw iN bLoGgiN WoRlD
so erM i'm GoNNa sTaRt bLoGgiN ToNiTe I gUeSs..
RiTe nOw Me So hUnGrY..
sO DuN hAvE IdEa.huhu..